FETO schools in Pakistan were transferred to Turkish Maarif Foundation

FETO schools in Pakistan were transferred to Turkish Maarif Foundation

April 25, 2023

The President of the Turkish Maarif Foundation, Prof. Dr. Birol Akgün declared: “Without counting Pakistan, we have 179 schools in 33 countries, among which 117 schools were FETO affiliated schools, and the rest are the ones we have newly opened. And in Pakistan, we have currently 28 schools.”

The President of the Turkish Maarif Foundation, Prof. Dr. Akgun, appraised the decision of the Pakistani Supreme Court regarding the transfer of FETO schools in the country to the Turkish Maarif Foundation.

Explaining that the Turkish Maarif Foundation was a foundation operating for the past two years, and the main objective of the Foundation was to provide formal and informal education on behalf of Turkey, Akgün added that they were in very close contact with nearly 100 countries in the world, especially in countries where FETÖ structure seemed to be active after the July 15 coup attempt.

"We have reached 34 countries with the transfer of the schools in Pakistan"

Akgün stated that they opened offices in countries where a certain relationship was developed and that they had a representative in 55 countries.

"We have our own schools in 33 countries. Today we have reached 34 countries with the transfer of the schools in Pakistan. This is essentially a window opening to the world in the field of education in Turkey and thus we can serve as part of a global education network. This is an important role that the Turkish Maarif Foundation plays for Turkey's cultural diplomacy and soft power."

Reminding that Pakistan is one of Turkey's friendly countries, the two countries trust each other, and in difficult time they are united, Akgun said:

"We went two years ago in Pakistan and had a certain contact. After Turkey for the first time, the Supreme Court of Pakistan recognized legally FETO as a terrorist organization in the international arena.” 

Recalling that Pakistan is a member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Akgun continued:

"Therefore, the Supreme Court declared this structure as a terrorist organization, frozen all the incomes of the schools and made the decision to transfer them entirely to the Maarif Foundation of Turkey. We have at present 179 schools in 33 countries, aside from Pakistan. Of these, 117 are schools that were transferred to us from the FETO affiliated group, the rest being the schools we opened. There are currently 28 schools in Pakistan. In the coming days, this number will increase rapidly, but Pakistan was the country with the largest FETO network in the field of education. This is as much for Turkey as for us, the Maarif Foundation of Turkey, a very important evolution. "  

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